Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Chill out!

I used to have a firmly held belief that things need to be acted on! Have a problem? We've got to find the solution...and NOW! Then, we have to fix it. NOW! The kids acting funny? Pulling away? Got to confront them...NOW. Get to the bottom of things ... that is what I thought was being responsible. I suppose in part because I grew up where we didn't talk at all about personal things and I didn't want to pass along that reticence. The only problem is I usually end up creating more problems for myself in my haste.

I was reading Exodus the other morning and have been pondering it since then. Exodus 14, beginning in verse 13. The Israelites were escaping Egypt. They had just lived through the 10 plagues - they had watched how the Lord had protected them from the horrible plagues that had fallen upon the Egyptians. Pharoah finally consents and lets them go...I imagine they marched out feeling quite victorious and free. Then God hardens Pharoah's heart and he sends his army to go get the Israelites. Immediately they panic "we've got to do something! NOW!!" And here is what I saw... Moses answered the people, "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still." An army of cruel soldiers are coming after them and Moses says "Be still. God is going to fight your battle for you.

I wonder how many times I have gotten in God's way because I had to act....NOW? May I remind myself to be still.