Sunday, June 03, 2007


Well, I'm a little less crazy today than I have been. And to celebrate that mood I cooked dinner today. We had steak, baked potatoes and corn on the cob (please don't point out there are two starches and no green leafy vegetables in that menu) AND we had all that because I could cook it on the grill. We still have no appliances in our kitchen, other than the refrigerator which was ours to begin with. The range, microwave and dishwasher were to be delivered yesterday between 3 - 6 p.m. I got a call about 3:00 p.m. saying "your range was damaged in transit so we have to order another one". Ugh. So it's still paper plates and plastic forks (the steaks were tender). I won't have countertops for at least two more weeks because they have to make it. They came out and drew up the template on Friday so one more thing I can check off the list. My cabinets are SO pretty. I just love them. My floor is gorgeous, I just love it. Except it sure shows every little thing. Ugh. Not so good. Here are pictures, taken from the same vantage points as all the others have been. Ignore the folding table in the middle of the room that is currently my counter. And
the sheetrock dust (six weeks' worth) on the refrigerator. Oh, and the lovely red folding chair.

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