Thursday, October 21, 2010

A whole lot of hemming and hawing

If there is a theme to this blog it's surely "I'm going to do better." How many posts have I actually written that said "I've been doing terrible at blogging but I'm going to do better."??? I'm plagued with the "I've got to do it right every time" disease. Self-doubt. I want to be a better writer but I want to wake up tomorrow the author of a best seller. None of this slogging through the trenches improving one paragraph at a time. Not because I don't want to do the work but because "what if I do it wrong?" This weakness - dare I say, stronghold - is the culprit behind nearly every 'almost' in my life.

Grace. Why is it such a hard concept for me to grasp? I'm already accepted so it doesn't matter that I'm not good enough. How I want my kids to understand this! I'm ever so grateful I serve a God who isn't keeping track of the number of chances I require.