Saturday, May 12, 2007

And the list goes on........

11.) There were 172 people in my graduating class. I was 23rd. I don't remember ever taking a book home those four years. That means if I'd tried I would have been higher in that order. So I wasted what God gave me.

12.) I was a flirt in my high school/college days. I think I took that art to a new level. Enough so that I earned the nickname "Scarlett" (as in O'Hara). Liz and I set a goal one summer to meet 200 new boys. We did it.

13.) Connie Mack baseball was big in my home town. Also there was the Koshare Indian Kiva there - big in Boy Scout world. So when summer comes there is a gigantic influx of boys. Hence our success mentioned in #12.

14.) Paul Faulkner was the preacher on the Sunday morning I got baptized. It was one of those "Gospel Meetings" that we used to have in the good old days. All I remember is him talking about the crucifixion and I felt convicted that I had put Jesus on the cross. There were 13 baptisms that morning.

15.) My girlfriend that lived across the street when I was growing up and I used to go scouting the alleys for pop bottles. Those were in the glass bottle days. And then we would go turn them in for a nickel a bottle until we got $1.00 which would get us both into the swimming pool. Yes, it's true. $1.00 - 2 girls.

16.) Liz and I put 100,000 miles at least on our two cars combined and 99,000 of them were right in the city limits of La Junta, Colorado.

17.) I have never been out of the United States.

18.) I'm okay with that.

19.) I don't love flying.

20.) I am addicted to Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream

to be continued..............

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