Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day

Take a few minutes today to remember the men and women who put their lives on the line to give you the freedom to do whatever it is you are doing today. We are so "rights-oriented" in this country that it is hard to imagine, understand or empathize with people who don't have those same privileges. And because we don't, we lose sight of what these brave soldiers did and do and get mired in the ridiculous party politics that make me want to puke. God only knows I hate war and I want us out of Iraq as badly as anyone. But I refuse to let the arguments over stay or get out, red vs. blue, Republican or Democrat take my eyes away from the brave selfless men and women who signed up knowing they could possibly die. Honor the soldier. Do not minimize his sacrifice because you don't like his president.

And that's the sermon for today. Please stand and sing. :-)

This sailor served his country in World War II. Unlike far too many who didn't, he came home. He married. He labored hard. He fathered four. He loved big. He lived well. Today I honor the precious memory of my dad.

Coy G. Finnell - January 13, 1927 - December 19, 1997

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