"If My people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14Today has been set aside as the National Day of Prayer and we as a nation are definitely standing in the need of prayer! Please take as much time today as you are able to pray about our country, the upcoming elections, those who are making decisions about the future of our government - at a local, state & national level. Pray for the men and women by name, asking God to bless them with humility and wisdom and a reliance on Him. There is a website that you can go to that has some excellent prayer suggestions.
The National Day of Prayer website has some excellent suggestions as to how to pray for seven areas of our land. There are all sorts of goodies that you can sign up for, informational links, encouraging words -- go there! You won't be sorry. Please join in me in prayer for this great land of ours that has lost its way.
2008 Prayer for Our Nation
Dr. Ravi Zacharias
2008 Honorary Chairman, National Day of Prayer Task Force
Holy Father, in a world where so many are hungry,
You have given us food in abundance;
In a world where so many are hurting,
You offer to bind up our wounds;
In a world where so many are lonely,
You offer friendship to every heart;
In a world longing for peace,
You offer hope.
Yet, we are so stubborn and resistant.
Have mercy upon us, Lord.
Our nation is at a crossroads this year;
we look to you to be our strength and shield.
Please give us the guidance to elect one who will honor you
and to respond to the wisdom from above
so that our hope may be renewed and our blessings be treasured.
In God's holy name.