Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Channeling Scarlett O'Hara here........

This is really pitiful. It's been one long bloggy desert has it not? And with no explanation, good bye, thank you.....nuttin'.

Writing makes me think and thinking makes me dwell on what's going on and if I do that I might be so very sad. We don't want to be sad so we just don't write, think, dwell. It worked for Scarlett O'Hara and I used to adore her. (Seriously - when you are a teen-age girl could there possibly have been anything greater than multiple guys vying for your attention??) Well fiddle-de-dee!

It all has to do with this boy:

and I'll be telling you the whole story very soon. Like maybe next week. Probably Monday. I'll be needing something to occupy my mind and my hands then. I promise it will be a "Glory to God in the Highest" story that will have you lifting holy hands even if you're Church of Christ. Indeed. It's just that good.

Of course, I've been silent so long I have no readers so I'll have to drum up some business. People need to hear about my boy. Oh yes they do.

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