Definitions of pride on the Web:
- a feeling of self-respect and personal worth
- satisfaction with your (or another's) achievements; "he takes pride in his son's success"
- the trait of being spurred on by a dislike of falling below your standards
- a group of lions
- be proud of; "He prides himself on making it into law school"
- unreasonable and inordinate self-esteem (personified as one of the deadly sins)
I'm sitting here at my desk at work. Clearly not working at the moment. It's my lunch break. I need to work through the anger and frustration I'm feeling that is making me want to organize a sit-in, over-throw the government, launch a protest.....or cry. Sadly, it would be far easier for me to attempt any of the first three rather than the last. I don't like that about me. I'm thinking about the situation that is causing me angst and the word "pride" keeps coming up. So I looked up the definition. Can you guess which definition would be the cause of my woes at the moment?
It's a blessing that God's word speaks to us when we need it to -- even though I am not always immediately grateful when those words come to my conscious thought. In this case I hear the words, "Christ did not consider equality with God a thing to hold on to but rather emptied himself..." (Philippians 2). If ever there was someone whose very being demanded attention, reverence, awe, prestige, fame, it would surely be the Son of the living God. Yet, he said (in effect) "you know, living in a palace ain't all that" because he was loved me enough to let me have a shot at palace life too.
And I get myself all worked up because someone was disrespectful and brusque. Because I am all that, you know.
I'm pretty sure God is just shaking his head right now.
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