Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Up and going

I'm back among the land of the living and trying to get caught up on everything.

As I was walking to the cafeteria yesterday a thought popped into my head that was a powerful reminder of the purpose of events in my life. As well, a reminder of the importance of recognizing God at work in my life. The verse that came to mind was in John 9....the story of the man who was blind from birth. Jesus healed him and his disciples question was "Who sinned that this man was born blind? Him or his parents?"

How very human! The immediate thought when something catastrophic happens is "What did I (or they) do wrong?" I love Jesus's answer: "No one sinned. This happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life." The Amplified Bible goes further - that the work of God would be illustrated in his life. It caused me to look backwards at all the things that have taken place in my time on this earth and think "Okay, was the work of God illustrated by my response to the trial?" I think most of the time we have a choice as to whether or not there is any positive illustrating going on. There are times when the Father chooses to work in a miraculous way that is completely separate and apart from any assistance on our part. But as a general rule, God works and we respond...and our response illustrates God's work or it denies it. It brought to my mind that old hymn that I used to see in the old song book -- "You may be the only Bible the world ever reads." I don't know that song but the words are some powerful words.

How I long to illustrate God's work! May He grant me the grace and wisdom to remember that when life hits me up side the head.

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