Thursday, April 26, 2007

No, I am not dead.

Not that there has been anyone anxiously sitting by their computer waiting for some astoundingly wise edicts coming out of my keyboard, BUT contrary to what might be assumed I am alive and kicking. And I haven't given up blogging. It does seem, however, that it has dropped to the bottom of my list of priorities lately. As I said here I am a glutton for punishment when it comes to getting myself in the big fat middle of Ladies Retreat planning. This year for some reason things just didn't come together as easily or smoothly as they have in the past (Satan trying to defeat whatever is coming) and I have been a crazy mess. Thank goodness it is upon us and if it ain't together now it just ain't getting together. Tomorrow at 1:30 begins the frenzied decorating, pulling everything together, getting situated, etc. so that we are in place to greet our arriving guests later in the afternoon. I am so convicted that I get too crazy about details but I'm not making much progress in the "Letting Go and Letting God" practice. I guess I need to practice more.

I have a delightfully funny and loving dear friend that is in need of prayers at the moment. Please pray that God will heal her hurts and the broken places so that she can be the wife, mom and friend that she desires to be. Her path to wellness isn't going to be short or easy - but with brothers & sisters in Christ standing in the gap for her it's a journey she can make, and it's a journey she won't make alone. I know I didn't tell you her name and that's okay -- God knows who you are praying for whether you do or not!

I got one of those funny-sweet emails today about "Angels Explained by Children". I'm going to sign off with the one that tickled me the most.

"Angels talk all the way while they're flying you up to heaven. The main subject is where you went wrong before you got dead." Daniel, 9

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