Thursday, March 08, 2007

Commuter wisdom

I have a little time during my commute each day to think serious things. Sometimes I do just that. Too often I listen to the radio which is sometimes hilarious, sometimes stupid, and sometimes completely offensive. I've been thinking about that often I choose to turn the radio on and listen to either KISS FM or The Ticket. Invariably I get some crazy song in my head that I can't get out-- like today..."They see me rollin', they hatin', patrollin', they tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty, tryin to catch me ridin' dirty.." What on earth kind of song is that to be going round and round in the head of a 50+ conservative Republican evangelical Christian white woman?????!!! Yet, here it is...mid-afternoon and I'm still singing that song.

What I get from that is I've got some valuable minutes as I ride to work and I could be putting some God-stuff in my head and heart. I need to be much more responsible with that time. (And I need to kill that woman who is secretly a little pleased that she knows the words to the songs her teens are singing.)