Monday, March 19, 2007

It's a small world after all....

Thomas and I, along with two other couples we go to church with, are taking waltz classes from the Parks & Recreation Center. How crazy is that? I have no idea where we think we would ever use this skill we are learning but we are sure it's going to be fun. This past Saturday was the first class. There are 5 couples in our class and after class was over we introduced ourselves to the other two couples. The class is from 11:45 - 12:45 so after we walked out of the building someone said "Let's all go eat together!". When we took the poll there were 3 couples who could, a new couple and our friends. After we got to the restaurant we sat down at the table and started in on the "where are you from originally?" kinds of questions. The guy says "I'm from a little town way up in the panhandle." I know he was expecting us to say "Where's that?" but we said "Oh, where in the panhandle?" and he said he grew up in Dalhart. Well, Matt was born in Dalhart! We lived in Texline which is an itty bitty tiny town in the far northwest corner of the Texas panhandle. So I told him I had lived in Texline for 8 years. Then he says "Well actually, we lived in Clayton NM and then moved to Dalhart. (Here I will insert a quick geography lesson....picture the panhandle...northwest corner. One mile from the border is this little town (population 400) called Texline. Nine miles NW from the border is Clayton NM. And 36 miles SE of Texline is Dalhart. Got the picture in your mind?) We shopped mostly in Clayton but of course any kind of license, tax, voting, etc had to be done in Dalhart. Now back to my story. The guy says "My dad was a doctor in Clayton....Dr. _______. Now what are the odds that 25 years later, in a town of 65,000 500 miles away from that place, I am going to find myself sitting across the table from the son of the doctor that we went to? They've been here 11 years to our 14...and they live in the same neighborhood as we do, just blocks from our house!!!!

We had a great time and we have new friends now. So that's why we signed up for waltz classes.

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