Wednesday, March 21, 2007

When big people act like little people

I am so disgusted sad when faced with poor behavior of people I love and respect and admire. I know a lot of it is my own idealism. It is such a cross to keeps me perpetually perplexed that people would behave in ways that are just not correct. Imagine!! But, I don't think it all can be explained away with "Michelle is just not realistic". Well, it can be - but that's a cop-out. Nearly everyday of the last 10 years (at least!) I have had the same discussion. Child: "He made me mad and that is why I broke his toy or slammed the door or threw the book....". No my precious child, you chose to be mad. No one can make you be anything, you choose to be something." Trying to justify cruel behavior/reactions by saying "I had no choice - their behavior demanded that I say, do _____" It's just wrong. Where is God in that? We read that Jesus was angry at times and he didn't disguise that anger (whew--just ask the money changers in the temple!). But he was never cruel. He never incited mob behavior to gang up on one person. Why is it that we can only find courage to "state our concerns" when we have gathered a like minded group of people around us? Isn't going privately to a person who has offended you the way we are supposed to do it? Isn't that the only hope of getting a desired end? Unless the (secretly) desired end is to vanquish someone to the outer reaches of "the group"...I'm just afraid that might be the desire too often. We couch our own selfish behavior in polite terms of 'concern for the greater good' and we slay people with our words.

And far too often I find myself standing aside, paralyzed by dismay, shock, anguish and sadly, silent.

Oh Lord forgive us for failing to be your hand of grace to a helpless and hurting world. Forgive me for not being brave in the face of mob rule.

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