Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Driving the tractor

When I was a child I loved going to my grandparent’s farm for extended stays! I played in the corn fields, rode the baler during hay season, walked the corral rails, climbed into and on top of the empty rail cars that were stored on a track near their house, and threw rocks through the cracks in the wooden bridge. Of all the memories that are precious, the one that stands out was driving the tractor. Grandpa would sit in the seat and let me sit in front of him. My legs weren’t long enough to reach the brakes or the clutch and I wouldn’t have known how to do that anyway. But I could hold on to that steering wheel and “drive”. Grandpa kept one finger on the wheel except for one time. He gave into my pleas and let me do all the steering. For about 30 seconds I thought I was in control. I was driving! Then a hole in the road caused me to jerk the wheel and before Grandpa had time to grab it out of my inexperienced hands we were leaning perilously in the ditch. I was scared to death but Grandpa made me get off the tractor in case it turned completely over and proceeded to get us out of my mess. I was the one who got us in the ditch but I was no help at all in getting us out.

How like God that is – sitting in the seat right behind me while I grab the wheel because I think I want to drive. Whether due to my own willfulness or my lack of wisdom and insight, I land myself in a ditch. Life just isn’t going to work the way it is supposed to unless I get out of the driver’s seat all together. Jeremiah tells the Lord in the book that bears his name (10:23) “I know, O LORD, that a man's life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps.” Moving out of the driver’s seat and into the passenger seat is a lesson in letting go of our own need for control. It isn’t easy and sometimes I just don’t want to do it. But the ride is better when I give the wheel to the One who knows the road, who knows the dangers ahead. May we let our prayer be “Jesus, take the wheel.”

Question for thought: What challenge am I facing right now that might have been avoided (or at least lessened) if I hadn’t insisted on being in the “driver’s seat”?

Pray with me: Holy Father, I see the mess I’ve made of things because I tried to do it my way. I want to surrender control of my life to you in (insert whatever) but I need your help in letting go.. Help me realize I just can’t go on without your help. It’s because of Jesus that I ask, Amen.

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